As the proliferation of digital devices and services risks to outpace our ability to protect our goods from attackers, Chip-to-Cloud Security Forum provides an independent conference platform dedicated to advance end-to-end digital security. Created in 2011 from the former e-Smart and Smart Mobility conferences, the conference covers all technical aspects of all assets protection of embedded, mobile, M2M and Cloud services and ecosystems. Its scope ranges from the foundations such as cryptography, hardware security mechanisms and embedded software security technologies, including end user verification by biometry, to the latest developments of security services delivered through the Cloud.
Part of “World Smart Week”, Chip-to-Cloud Security Forum operates as the technical and forward thinking conference, at the root of the three business-oriented conferences held in parallel: NFC World Congress, World e-ID Congress and M2M Innovation World Congress. Chip to Cloud Security Forum’s agenda features joint sessions on common security issues addressed by these co-located conferences. The four conferences altogether form the World Smart Week. Last year, World Smart Week gathered 1375 high level participants sharing a common objective: bringing an "easier trusted mobile life" for the consumers and citizens. This purpose remains highly topical in 2014.
There is no such thing as perfect security. This could sound disparaging but seasoned security experts are well aware of this. Addressing this gap requires the best people, technology, and methodologies to make threat intelligence possible. It also requires collaboration and expertise sharing across the Industry. Chip to Cloud Security Forum offers such an opportunity for researchers from Academia and information security professionals from Industry R&D, government, standardization bodies.
The speakers will benefit from a highly qualified audience as well as extensive knowledge sharing and networking opportunities with the other delegates attending the contactless, e-ID and M2M conferences.
The Chip-to-Cloud Security Forum Program Committee is looking for technical papers describing original ideas, groundbreaking results, new techniques, new methodologies, new research directions, for resolving open problems spanning all aspects of security of embedded, mobile, M2M and Cloud services and ecosystems.
The submissions may address one or more of the topics mentioned below or others that authors believe to be of great interest to the audience.
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Embedded Security
Mobility & Security
M2M & IoT Security
Secure Cloud Applications
• Secure embedded systems design |
• Secure Element in mobile devices: USIM/UICC, embedded SIM, SD card, NFC… |
• M2M and Internet of Things end-to-end security
• Strong online authentication |
Transversal Topics |
1. Short, explicit and appealing title
2. Name, function, address, phone, e-mail, and organisation of the speaker together with a short description of the speaker’s expertise
3. The name of the speaking person (only 1 person is allowed to present)
4. 3 to 4 bullet points (1 line max. each)
5. Length of the abstract itself: between 200-300 words
Submissions not conforming to these formatting instructions risk rejection regardless of their technical merit.
Submission Procedure:
Authors are invited to submit their proposals electronically to
If authors do not receive acknowledgment within 72 hours, they are kindly invited to contact directly
Decisions and Presentation
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors on April 30, 2014.
Authors of accepted presentations commit themselves to present their paper at the conference. In case of personal impediment, the speaking person should appoint the backup speaker.
Speaker’s registration
Registration fee is included in the Official, Platinum & Gold sponsor for one speaker. Regular registration speaker’s registration rate is €550 excl. vat. This registration gives access to Chip-to-Cloud Security Forum conference & proceedings, breaks and lunches, networking tool, exhibition. Speakers’ travel and accommodation expenses are not covered by the organizers.
Proceedings of the conference will be available at the opening of the event. Clear instructions about the proceedings will be sent to the authors of accepted papers.
The organizers commit themselves not to disseminate the presentations before the conferences.
Other important dates
► Official Program Appearance: May 26, 2014
► Complete presentation for the proceedings August 31, 2014